Who knew that for there to be peace in the Land, humankind had to be destroyed for over 1000 years?
Yet there were survivors.
Small pockets of humanity had survived in various areas of the Land. As they sought to rebuild using what remnants of knowledge they possessed, the effects of the Cataclysm changed them over time.
Each group was strengthened to survive and thrive in their new environment. In time, as the detrimental effects waned and the earth was resurrected, these new Nations emerged to be successors in the Land called Amrika.
Now, years after the first settlements arose from the ashes, the Nations continue to expand out from their settlements and interact in
The World That Was!
Welcome to the World That Was - The Miniature Game! Includes the BORDERLAND PAX Adventure Module!
Now you have everything you need to develop your part of Amrika using your Avatar - and the Armies you command. Whether you enjoy Dungeon Spelunking, play a small Skirmish or a War, you can pick-and-choose what you need within this Tome:
1 Unexplored Land: AMRIKA. History of the Cataclysm and Lore around the Nations.
PLUS! Rules to Create your AVATARS and ARMIES.
Rules to play Skirmish Spelunking, Border Battles, or Army War.
MONSTERS! to Ride or to Slay.
FEATS! to amaze your Allies.
LEGENDARY TEK! to drive your Enemies away.
Fully ILLUSTRATED! to show you a glimpse of The World That Was.
The World That Was Adventure Module A1 - BORDERLAND PAX includes a step-by-step guide on playing The World That Was Miniature Game as well as 7 Adventures for you and your friends.
Click on The World That Was Miniature Game image to purchase!
BORDERLAND PAX Module Adventure is a supplement to The World That Was Miniature Game. The World That Was Miniature Game – Avatars & Armies Rulebook is necessary to progress past Level 1.
This is a Module Adventure set in The World That Was setting and is intended for beginning players.
This Module is set up to not only show you how to create your own Avatar, it will also provide a Solo Adventure to teach you how to play The World That Was using the Core Rules.
After your first Adventure you will Level UP your Avatar by choosing a Class to continue playing, as well as Upgrades for your Equipment – or your Tek, they say. This Module Adventure also includes Challenger Algorithms for Solo Game Play. Use these simple commands to dictate what Challenger Models do during your Solo Game Play experience.
Included within this Module Adventure are the Core Rules of The World That Was Miniature Game. This Module Adventure is limited to creating a Level 1 Avatar, so The World That Was Miniature Game – Avatars & Armies Rules are necessary to Level UP your Avatar up to Level 4.
Additional Special Rules, Tek Upgrades, and even more Lore is found within The World That Was – Avatars & Armies Rulebook for the full Game experience. Your Avatar is capable of enjoying every Adventure in this Adventure Module using the premade Armies provided. Just substitute your Avatar and enjoy.
Click on the Adventure Module image to purchase!
KINGDOM PAX Module Adventure is a supplement to The World That Was Miniature Game. This is a Module Adventure set in The World That Was setting and The World That Was Miniature Game – Avatars & Armies Rulebook is required to play this Module Adventure.
This Module is set in the Imp Kingdom Pax and provides extensive information and details about their domain. Included inside are Hex Maps for Hex Crawls and blank Hex Maps for use during your Game, plus Random Generation Tables for Random Monsters, Wondrous Features, Rumors, Weather, and more.
Included within this Module Adventure are 7 new Adventures within Kingdom Pax as well as new Rules for The Anonymous (Inn) Bar Brawl and The Arena of Death. You also get descriptions of major and minor locations within Kingdom Pax: Castle Pax, the Pax Sea, the Grey Mountains, the Shattered Coast, and the Pax Plains. Detailed Hex Maps of these areas plus a detailed Hex Map of the Pax Plains with major Towns and Cities of Kingdom Pax are inside: Altir, Pompisov, Saleh, Mud Town, Port Pax, Brisk Port, plus the Shattered Pass and Pax Pass. Everything you need to explore KINGDOM PAX.
You also receive new Rules for the Ranger Class, plus enhanced Rules and Stats for the Schizomid menace that threatens Amrika. You also received detailed stats and descriptions of Imp Units found in The World That Was Miniature Game, plus new Units for the Imp Nation including the King’s Guard, the Watchers, Ursavian Cavalry, and more!
Additional Special Rules, new Tek Upgrades, new Unit Upgrades, new Monsters, and even more Lore and Stories are within Adventure Module A2 - KINGDOM PAX to enhance your Game experience within The World That Was Miniature Game - Avatars & Armies.
Click on the Adventure Module image to purchase!
The Game of Kings Miniature Game Engine is available for you to use to create your own Miniature Tabletop Role Playing Game and/or Wargame setting using rules from
proven game mechanics since 1911.
Many of these game mechanics and monikers are familiar to those playing Historical and Fantasy Role Playing Games found on the market today – for good reason. They originate from Wargames used in Military War Colleges and developed by writers over the centuries, including
H.G. Wells – the writer of ‘War of the Worlds’.
This Game Engine is intended to assist you in creating a Tabletop Role Playing Game and/or Wargame of your own for personal or commercial reasons. This document ensures players and publishers have a reference to the rules set forth without fear of infringement of protected flavor text, artistic representation, or trademark. The history of Wargaming and References are included within this document.
These rules and the text are copyrighted under the Creative Commons-by-4.0 with the goal that they will be developed into a final Open Source document, permitted by law, and freely available for commercial and fan use – by any and all – much like the rules of Chess and Go.
The point system found in this document is one used in The World That Was Miniature Game – Avatars & Armies, and is now made available to players and publishers to use and adapt to their own systems.
Click on The Game of Kings image to download the pdf.